DC has some TRUE DIVAS with Talent

The Diva Lounge networking event for women only went really well. I ran into some familiar faces and got to meet some that I have heard so much about or have been checking out their blog for a while.

Here is the run down of some of the great people I met:

Ally from She Blogs
This is the second time I am running into her. I met her at a trunkshow in NY. She is from the DMV area. She is a very cool person and I look forward to definitely keeping in contact. She was also one of the honorees for the event, congrats to THAT!

I was also lucky enough to meet the person I have heard so much about through online media, the infamous Joi-Marie with The Fab Empire

Kiara Pesante which is a media journalist (she does it all). We actually met way before this event from a mutual friend and she is pretty great. Check her out at her website http://www.kiarapesante.com/

Chance Jackson with ACE Magazine. This magazine immediately caught my eye as I was sitting down and I couldn’t keep my eyes off the cover or the model in the magazine. I shall be getting a copy in the mail very soon and I shall do a post about the magazine.

Here is a pic of me, Sarea, and Kia from DMV Unplugged at the Diva Lounge Networking Party