Fashion Do’s & Don’ts for GHOE

Homecoming is literally next week and some of us are all packed and ready to go.  And others are still running to the malls and overnighting orders.  One thing we want to keep in mind is that it will be Fall in Greensboro, NC so please do not forget those jackets and coats.  I do hope there is coat check or that will just be foolery!

So first on the list is body type and shape. Look for clothing that flatters your figure as opposed to shatters it.  Blazers are so an everyday thing but can be that piece that saves the outfit.  I know black is a boring color but I haven’t seen anyone that looks bad in it, capish?  There are also maroons, browns, dark oranges and forest greens that would not be too bright for the fall season.

Next are shoes…here we go.  If you plan on wearing an open toe shoe, first make sure the toes are polished and manicured.  Next, we do not need any toe over the front of the shoe going on. There are tons of things you can find at your local DSW or CVS that you can stick under the ball of your foot to keep your foot in place at all times.  Also, make sure the shoes you plan on wearing, you can walk in because otherwise you will be uncomfortable and everyone else will know you are uncomfortable.

Make up….this is always an interesting topic. I go for the nude eye (eyeliner and mascara), pink cheek, and bold lip but everyone is different.  All I ask that this is not the time to try something insane that you have never tried before.  If you have done the bold eye and lip and it works, stick with it but this is not the time to walk around looking like a clown. I will laugh.  And plus we are all beautiful, we don’t need a bunch of make-up. =)

Hair….this topic will have various opinions but I shall voice my own. I’m low maintenance and have never worn weave (other than braids) in my life.  But what I do know is a bad weave and so does everyone else.  Make sure that hair is laid for the gods!  If weave is not for you, rock the natural.  There are tons of cute natural hairstyles that can be done,  have fun!

Now this ends my Do’s and Don’ts for GHOE!

Aggie Pride!

Fashion Intern Wear

Fashion Intern Wear
So today I am able to add a new journey to my line of work. I will be interning with a local stylist. I have been trying to break into the fashion world for a while now and am so honored to work with an established stylist in the DC area. I won’t talk too much about it but just know it’s time for me to put in serious work.

What Would the Man Repeller Wear?

Well if you all don’t know, The Man Repeller is one of those cool blogs that derived its name from wearing a clothing item that would so not attract someone of the opposite sex but you look damn good in it.

The blogger is making her way to DC this Wednesday and I am excited! I wanted to create an outfit she might wear to the event.

Inspired by The Man Repeller

Beauty Secret 101

We have now come to a time when everyone is holding onto those dollars even tighter with the government shutdown. Me on the other hand has been frugal frannie since I can remember. I am here to give some beauty secrets of my own that can save you money and cut corners here and there.

I went to Ulta and purchased a product that would allow me to arch my eyebrows at home. I have not been to the nail shop in about a month now with starting to arch them myself. This is of course trial and error every time right now. Things you will need to be successful are eyebrow tweezers, an eyebrow brush, and scissors small enough to help cut excess hair from your eyebrows.

I got a kit by Parissa that comes with mini wax strips so that means no messy hot wax. I think this kit is genius. The kit comes with instructions as well as oil to use where you waxed your eyebrows to soothe the irritation. I would suggest doing this at night and not before going out. I did it one day before work, not a good idea. LOL!

Once you get in the groove, it is super easy. I am getting better and better every time and I have saved money.


From UrbanDaddy to You

Buy One, Get One. All Day. Outside.
Well, at least it’s going to be nice all week. So sleep in, then head to DC Reynolds’s 25-foot bar out back, where they’re upping the ante on their usual buy-one, get-one-free happy hour. By starting it at11am. We’re not even sure Congress will be awake by then.
Mon-Fri throughout shutdown, 11am-9pm, DC Reynolds, 3628 Georgia Ave NW, 202-506-7178
Coffee. Ping-Pong. Wi-Fi. The West Wing.
At least someone is catering to your needs. Like the folks at Sixth & I, who are turning two of its rooms into “Shutdown Central”—a daily setup of gratis food, coffee, wi-fi, ping-pong, board games andWest Wing reruns. Martin Sheen would never have let this happen.
Mon-Fri throughout shutdown, 10am, Sixth & I, 600 I St NW, 202-408-3100
Like Happy Hour on Steroids
The longer the shutdown drags on, the longer your happy hour drags on at Urbana. Tonight, you can get your $8 pizzas, $7 cocktails and dollar oysters for an extra hour, till 8pm. Tomorrow, things will go until 9pm, and Thursday till 10pm. Because you may not have to get up the next day.
Mon-Thu throughout shutdown, 4pm, Urbana at the Hotel Palomar, 2121 P St NW, 202-956-6650

Info from UrbanDaddy